Dictionary Definitions from TheBotBeyondTheBrainz’ Brain
also known as “Fastpacking”
runpacking/rʌn -ˈpakɪŋ/noun
noun: runpacking
verb: runpacking
adjective: runpack-ey
- Traveling across a route by running. Terrain may vary. Gear may vary. Running speed may vary (greatly).
- mirrors its older sibling “backpacking” in all ways except speed, and gear (light or ultralight gear).
- allows the traveler to be faster, carry less gear and endure more Runner’s Highs and Lows than they ever would have bargained for
So you want to be a runpacker?!
Well, good for you. Unfortunately, this area is mostly still under construction. Please come back later for more details. Thank yooooou!
So here, I’ll answer your questions on runpacking: The How (not) To’s, the Whys and the Weird.